C.I.B FIN NO MVA Silverdream's Heart Melody KVK1 WTD "Awa"
This lovely girl fly here from kennel
Silverdream Canada. Awa is very lively and
curious girl, she’s always ready to work.
Already first fall, when we try biking, we
notice that girl like pulling. So -07-08 winter
season we set goal to get her REK =Sleddogtest
results. Big proof her working ability is that,
last winter she have four different drivers and
all result was still very good, so she is not
just “one man dog”.
In her first race with Repe, they were best
malamute team. Then ALMA club race with Nicki
they won 9km race. All seasons results was 2 x
REK2 and 1 x REK1. Awa got her last CAC in
Köyliö Show and become FIN CH 9/08. Winter
season -09 we started at Ylämaa Weight Pulling
Test. This was hers first weight pulling test
and yet she got KVK1 (passed test, pull 5,52xown
weight). From next day was Kasarin Salpasäpinät,
result from there was REK2 with Nicki.
14.9.2008 Köyliö, Marja Talvitie, Finland
20.7.2008 Ylivieska, Zsolt Lokodi, Romania
24.5.2008 Oulainen, Gunnel Holm, Finland
20.7.2008 Ylivieska, Zsolt Lokodi, Romania
10.1.2009 Kajaani, Marja Talvitie, Suomi
28.8.2011 Tromssa, tuomari Marianne Holmli, Norway
6.7.2013 Piteå, Markku Mähönen, Finland
13.7.2013 Oulu, Laszlo Erdös, Hungary
14.12.2008 Helsinki V-08, Rafael Malo Alcrudo, Spain
05.01.2008 Kajaani, Theo Leenen, Belgia
05.01.2008 Kajaani, Theo Leenen, Belgia
10.2.2008 Udeliuksen Urat, Ilmajoki, REK 2
16.3.2008 Aarnivalakiat, Kiiminki REK 2
5.-6.4.2008 Oinakka Sprint, Kemijärvi REK1
1.2.2009 Kasarin Salpasäpinät REK2
12.2.2010 Passed Polarhund A-test in Sweden
14.3.2010 Aarnivalakiat, Kiiminki REK1
9.3.2011 Polarhund D-test in Sweden
27.-29.1.2012 Eastpoint Open, Lieksa Jongunjoki-Ruunaa 3 x 31 km
3.-4.3.2012 Metsäkartano sprint, Rautavaara Metsäkartano REK1
31.1.2009 Ylämaa Weight pull test KVK1 (5,52 x own weight)
6.3.2010 Utajärvi Weight pull test KVK1 (10,34 x own weight)
19.3.2011 Utajärvi Weight pull test KVK1 (8,06 x own weight)
10.3.2012 Rautavaara, Metsäkartano Weight pull test KVK1