Utamuutin Kennel

News Archive 2006

October 2006
Repe visit in Oulu INT dog show. Result was; Open Class EXC/1, best male 3 and res-CAC.

September 2006
Aatos and hobbies has a new photos.

New photo of Laikku. Also hobbies album has a new photo.

August 2006
Repe visited in Kuopio INT dog show, result was in Saturday 5.8.-06; open class EXC / 2, 4th best male and Sunday 6.8.-06; open class EXC / 1, 3rd best male and RES-CAC

June 2006
Repes result in Ylivieska Show: Open Class EXC / 1, best male 1, CAC, BOB

We visit with Repe and Laikku in Rovaniemi INT dog Show. Repe was in Intermediate Class EXC / 1, best male1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, Group-4. Laikku is totally loosen her coat so result was Junior class S

Laikku visit in eye check and her eyes are clear.

One year ago born our first litter, HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!

May 2006
Repe and Laikku visit today in Oulu dog show. Repes result; Intermediate class EXC / 1, 2nd best male and RES-CAC. Laikku; Junior class VG / 2. In Axu's page is updated new photos.

April 2006
Repe and Laikku visit today Muurola group show. Result was Repe VG/1 intermediate class and Laikku G junior class.

March 2006
Repe visited Rovaniemi group show 4.3.06. Result in intermediate class was VG/1.

February 2006
Repes hips and elbows is now x-ray and answer come back from Finnish kennel union, Hips: B/B and Elbows: 0/0.

January 2006
Repe and Viiru visit in Kajaani Int. dog show 6.1.-06. Result was Repe: Intermediate class EXC/1, second best male, res-cac and cacib. Viiru: Champion class EXC/2, second best bitch, res-cacib.

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